Water and Wastewater Services

From water supply and treatment to wastewater collection and treatment to industrial waste treatment and projects addressing other critical environmental-related issues, InSite Engineering serves as the consultant to cities of all sizes, utilities boards, water and sewer boards, federal agencies, private corporations, industries and developers. We provide consulting services that include designing and preparing construction documents for bid, coordinating the bidding of the project and overseeing construction of the project. 

Recently we provided planning, design, and construction administration services for what the Water Desalination Report called “…the world’s largest PFAS mitigation project…”, a 10.33 MGD closed circuit reverse osmosis system to remove PFAS compounds from drinking water.

The project came online in May of 2021 and has been making water with non-detectable levels of 49 PFAS compounds since that date. We are now working on two 24 MGD PFAS treatment projects and several smaller ones.

The following services are offered: